General Assembly

The Supreme management body of the Association is the General Assembly.

The General Assembly consisting of all representatives of the Association members is called not less than once a year.

The exceptional powers of the General Assembly include:

  • Making amendments to the Charter of the Association, having the Charter approved in a new edition;
  • Defining the rules for the formation of and the principles of using association property;
  • Selecting the members of the Presidium for a period of 5 years and dismissing them from their posts ahead of schedule in the following cases:

– member-organization presents a written request on itself;

– member-organization gives up or is removed from the membership of the Association;

– member-organization misses 4 (four) successive sessions of the Presidium.

  • Selecting the members of the Audit Committee of the Association for a period of 5 years;
  • Selecting a President and Vice-presidents from the composition of the Presidium for a period of 5 years;
  • Reviewing and approving the reports of the Presidium and the Audit Committee of the Association;
  • Making decisions on whether the Association is going to enter local, foreign and international organizations or not;
  • Making a decision on the termination of the Association.

The General Assembly can include any issue related with the activity of the Association into its authorities.

Decisions of the General Assembly are formalized by the minute of a meeting signed by the chairman and the Secretary of the meeting.