The “VII INTERNATIONAL BANKING FORUM” organized by the Azerbaijan Banks Association was held on November 1-2, 2023.

VII INTERNATIONAL BANKING FORUM” organized by Azerbaijan Banks Association, Central Bank of Azerbaijan, and supported by Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication of Azerbaijan with the subject of “RELIABLE, SAFE AND SUSTAINABLE BANKING” was accomplished successfully.

Two day Forum brought together representatives of related local and foreign state institutions, commercial banks, local and foreign businesses and public organizations, international financial institutions, foreign embassies in Azerbaijan, including more than 200 delegates from Turkey, United States, Europe, Near East, CIS and other countries.

Overall during two days Summit had about 250 companies1400 local and foreign attendees.

The Forum consisted of nine Panels –“Reliable, safe and sustainable banking” “Unlocking Opportunities: Neobanks and the financial ecosystem landscape ”, “Self service new frontier”, “Financial technologies and trends”, “Evolution of payment landscape: toward less contact”, “Operational efficiency with digital tools and technologies”, “How to organize proactive fraud prevention in a digital finance ecosystem?”, “Remittances from the South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia regional lens”

During two days, 43 speakers gave speeches with related subjects.

Among the partners and speakers were representatives of the Mastercard, BS/2, NBA Technologies, Azericard, Architecht, Creatio, UPT, System technologies, United Payment, Fineksus, Millicard, IOM, Apex Capital Partners, N-ix, Compliance Control, Visionlabs, DVA, YAZ and other influential companies.